
Hey there! My name is Eric Poulin, long distance hiker, backpacker and outdoor adventurer. When I’m not on the trail, I’m probably dreaming up the next adventure. If you’ve found my page, chances are you feel the same way. I started this website in 2013, with the goal of archiving my hiking trips, as well as creating resources that might be useful to others. Hiking and exploring the outdoors has been an incredibly rewarding and inspiring part of my life, and above anything else, I hope to share that with you.
After many years of 7-10 day backpacking trips, I thru hiked the 3000 mile Continental Divide Trail in 2018, where I was given the trail name “Famous”. I haven’t really kept the trail name after the CDT, though. However, like many thru hikers, I found my first to be a life changing event. Nothing else is the same afterwards, nothing can really compare. And soon enough, we are consumed with the thought of our next thru hike. Since then, I’ve created my own 1000 mile cross-country thru hike route across Nevada in 2020, called the Basin and Range Trail. This was a wild and crazy adventure that left a lasting impact on me, and my approach to long hikes. I’ve found that I really enjoyed mapping out my own routes, getting my feet on the ground and exploring things that looks, well, interesting and cool! And so, I created my second long distance hiking route, the 625 mile Mojave-Sonoran Trail in 2021.
As of 2021, I’ve built a camper van and pretty much live out west in that full-time now, in between long distance hikes.
In addition to hiking and backpacking, I love fishing, kayaking, rockhounding and mineral collecting, playing guitar and of course, photography and cinematography. I’m hoping to get more involved in canyoneering and caving in the future as well.
In short, I just love being outdoors, and creating quality outdoor content that inspire others to get outside. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you on trail!
Eric Poulin
In The Media
Here are a few external references to Eric Poulin’s outdoor adventures:
A Walk on the Wild Side: Hiker Blazes New Trail Through Nevada’s Mountains (Las Vegas Review Journal, Front Page Sunday Paper)
The Best Thru-Hiking Vlogs to Give You Trail Envy (Outside Online)
Trail Profile – The Basin and Range Trail: 1000 Miles of Rugged and Rewarding Wilderness (The Trek)
Packrafting Greenland: Eric Poulin (World Explorer’s Collective)
How Do You Define Success? (Shoutout Colorado)
Check Out Eric Poulin’s Story (Voyage Denver)
Video Interviews:
ATJ Interviews EP 1: Eric Poulin (About The Journey)
The Newest Thru-Hike With Eric Poulin of Seeking Lost (We Get Outdoors)